Categories Indoor Air Quality

Mountain Cedar Season: When It Begins, Ends and How to Survive It

If you’ve lived in Central Texas for a while, chances are you’ve experienced the dreaded “cedar fever.” Mountain Cedar allergy season starts in late December and can last until March. The most severe months are usually December and January, which is when the cedar’s pollen counts are at their peak. The symptoms of cedar fever are similar to those of a cold: sneezing, itchy eyes, a sore throat, runny nose and general fatigue. It’s an attack on your immune system and can leave you open to contracting other illnesses.

Categories Indoor Air Quality, Cooling, Heating

Signs of Animals in Your Attic

Signs of Animals in Your Attic

We’ve all been there—the sun has set, the kids are in bed, and you’re just about to ease into a peaceful slumber when suddenly, you hear noises. It starts out as a faint sound, barely perceptible, but then, it grows louder and closer, almost as if something is pacing above your head. You freeze, your mind racing through a dozen scenarios. Is it just a house settling? A stray gust of wind? Or worse… is there something living in your attic?

If you’ve ever experienced the eerie sounds of something moving in your attic, you’re not alone. This is a common issue for homeowners, and the mystery of “What critter is that?” is one that keeps many of us awake at night. In this blog, we’ll explore the potential risks and damage pests in the attic can cause, the most common critters that might be lurking above your ceiling, and the best pest control company in San Antonio.

Categories Indoor Air Quality

What Allergens Are High in San Antonio?

There’s a lot we love about San Antonio, but we can’t say we love the high pollen count that plague us almost year-round.

If you’ve lived in San Antonio for at least a year, you probably already know what we’re talking about. And if you haven’t, just wait—every season, pollen levels rise and irritate allergy-prone people.

Categories Indoor Air Quality

3 Easy Ways to Combat The San Antonio Flu Season

The flu is a nasty illness, causing uncomfortable symptoms like a sore throat, achy muscles, and frequent coughing. The San Antonio flu season starts in late October and doesn’t begin slowing down until February. That means at least 3 months each year we live with a higher risk of catching the flu. Although the most effective way to avoid the flu is to get an annual flu vaccine and maintain good hygiene, your HVAC system can also help you combat the flu this fall/winter.

Categories Plumbing, Cooling, Heating, Indoor Air Quality

Earth Day: Promoting Eco-Friendly HVAC and Plumbing Practices

Every year on April 22nd, people around the world come together to celebrate Earth Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable living practices. As we strive to mitigate the effects of climate change and preserve our planet for future generations, it’s crucial to recognize the role that everyday actions, such as our HVAC and plumbing practices, play in reducing our carbon footprint.

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