Maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is essential, especially during extreme weather conditions. However, HVAC systems can occasionally encounter problems that disrupt their performance. While some issues require attention from an air conditioning service company, many common HVAC problems can be resolved with a little troubleshooting. By following a few simple steps, you can save time and money while ensuring your HVAC system operates efficiently. In this article, we’ll provide you with valuable tips to troubleshoot your HVAC system effectively and conduct your own A/C & heating service.

Reset Your HVAC System:

Resetting your HVAC system is a simple yet powerful troubleshooting step that can often rectify minor issues and restore optimal performance. It’s akin to restarting a computer when it encounters glitches. However, it’s important to understand that different HVAC systems may have unique reset procedures. 

  • To ensure you reset your system correctly and avoid any potential complications, it’s advisable to consult your owner’s manual. The owner’s manual serves as a valuable resource that provides specific instructions tailored to your HVAC system’s make and model. It contains comprehensive information about the system’s components, settings, maintenance guidelines, and troubleshooting procedures. If you’re unsure about the location of your physical manual, there’s no need to fret. In today’s digital age, most manufacturers offer online access to their manuals, making it convenient for users to find the necessary instructions without needing an AC technician.
  • To access the manual online, start by identifying your HVAC system’s model number. The model number can typically be found on the unit itself or in the documentation provided at the time of installation. Armed with the model number, perform a simple online search using the manufacturer’s name, the model number, and keywords like “HVAC system manual” or “reset instructions.” This search should lead you to the manufacturer’s website or other reliable sources where you can download the manual.
  • Once you have the manual in your possession, locate the section that covers system resets or troubleshooting. Take the time to read through the instructions carefully, paying close attention to any specific steps or precautions mentioned. Different systems may have varying reset methods, which could involve pressing specific buttons, adjusting settings, or even power cycling the unit. By following the manufacturer’s guidelines, you can ensure that the reset process is executed correctly, minimizing the risk of further complications.
  • If you encounter any difficulties during the reset process or if the issue persists even after resetting, it may be an indication of a more significant problem that requires professional attention. In such cases, it’s advisable to contact a licensed air conditioning tech who possesses the expertise and tools to diagnose and address complex issues.

Remember, regular maintenance and periodic system resets can contribute to the longevity and efficiency of your HVAC system. By staying proactive and addressing minor issues promptly, you can save time and money while preventing potential breakdowns. However, it’s essential to exercise caution and seek professional assistance when necessary to ensure the safety and proper functioning of your HVAC system.

Change Your Filter:

Changing your HVAC system’s filter is a simple yet crucial maintenance task that can have a significant impact on its performance and efficiency. It may come as a surprise, but a clogged or dirty filter can cause a host of problems for your HVAC system. When the filter becomes obstructed with dust, debris, and other particles, it hinders the airflow, leading to reduced cooling efficiency and placing additional strain on the system. If you notice signs that indicate a potential filter issue, such as inadequate cooling, the presence of humid or dusty air from your vents, or if you’ve neglected regular filter maintenance, it’s high time to replace the filter. By doing so, you can often resolve the problem and restore optimal performance to your HVAC system.

  • The first step in replacing your filter is to locate it within your HVAC system. The filter is typically located near the air handler or furnace unit, and its position may vary depending on the system’s design. Consult your owner’s manual to determine the exact location of the filter in your specific HVAC system. In case you can’t find the physical manual, don’t worry. Most manufacturers provide digital copies of their manuals on their websites, making it easy to access the necessary information.
  • Once you’ve located the filter, it’s important to ensure that you choose the appropriate replacement. Filters come in various types, sizes, and efficiencies, and using the wrong filter can compromise system performance or even cause damage. Refer to your owner’s manual for guidance on the recommended filter type and specifications. If you’re unsure or have any questions, it’s best to consult with an HVAC professional who can provide expert advice tailored to your system’s requirements.

Determine If Your Thermostat Is Working:

Thermostats play a crucial role in HVAC system operations. Surprisingly, many HVAC problems can be traced back to faulty thermostats. A malfunctioning thermostat may cause your system to turn on and off at incorrect times or not activate at all.

  • To troubleshoot your thermostat, start by checking if it has power. If it operates on batteries, try replacing them. Once you’ve confirmed the power supply, double-check all the thermostat settings to ensure they are correctly configured.

Check Your Vents:

Proper airflow is essential for maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.

  • Make sure your vents are open and free from any obstructions such as furniture, drapes, or other objects that could impede airflow. Additionally, over time, vents can accumulate dust and debris, inhibiting the efficient operation of your HVAC system. Regularly inspect and clean your vents to maximize airflow and enhance system performance.

Turn Off the A/C:

During prolonged periods of hot weather, older air conditioning units may freeze due to extended operation. Paradoxically, this freezing prevents them from cooling effectively.

  • If you suspect your A/C unit is frozen, try turning off the A/C and switching on the fan mode. Allowing the system to defrost for a while before using it again can often resolve the issue. However, if the problem persists, it’s advisable to contact an A/C professional to inspect and service your unit.

Check Furnace and A/C Wires:

Wiring issues can also contribute to HVAC system malfunctions. Over time, wires can become damaged or disconnected, particularly for outdoor units that may be susceptible to accidental damage from landscaping equipment.

  • While checking the wiring, it’s important to exercise caution and avoid handling any damaged wires unless you have proper training and expertise. If you notice any issues or suspect wiring problems, it’s best to contact qualified AC and heating services to assess and address the situation.


Remember, when it comes to HVAC troubleshooting, safety should always be a priority. If you encounter a problem that you’re unsure how to handle, or if the issue persists despite your best efforts, it’s recommended to seek professional HVAC maintenance. An expert A/C maintenance company possesses the knowledge, skills, and experience to diagnose and repair complex problems efficiently.

At Shafer Services Plus, we understand the importance of a functioning HVAC system and the impact it has on your comfort. That’s why we’re here for you, providing services for San Antonio through Kyle. Whether you’re dealing with a minor issue or a major breakdown, our dedicated team is ready to provide the support you need. Contact Shafer HVAC today for all your HVAC needs and let us keep your system running smoothly.

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